DLC for FS2 - Boston
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Hide details for zaza25
FABL-29.095765655279596, 26.2979664965112082X,16,4Bram Fischer12-Mar 2019 20:10
FABW-32.30155287054436, 22.665088094059411,6,0Karoo Gateway Airport13-Feb 2021 10:31
FACT-33.97957038079631, 18.6005402492617121,8,7Cape Town12-Mar 2019 20:10
FACV-31.49853445353232, 19.7276075955007321,0,0Calvina Airfield20-Feb 2021 08:19
FAGC-25.989499227319435, 28.1398313924121341,38,21Grand Central04-Apr 2019 20:13
FAGG-34.002884928506155, 22.3776736143841471,12,5George Airport12-Feb 2021 11:17
FAGR-32.19350762819545, 24.5430561089797372,0,0Graaf-Reinet Airport11-Feb 2021 15:29
FAKN-25.387908202775726, 31.099024434562111,2,2Kruger Airport11-Feb 2021 12:08
FAKT-25.857196400996166, 28.4499107802068921,39,7Kitty Hawk12-Mar 2019 20:09
FALA-25.93963228276158, 27.929672887778681,18,10Lanseria12-Mar 2019 20:10
FALE-29.607868268378915, 31.11174292815441,8,4KING SHAKA12-Mar 2019 20:10
FALL-25.105123106850986, 30.4152717155358051,0,0Lydenburg Airport18-Feb 2021 10:34
FAMM-25.804632077349986, 25.539684165750941,9,5Mahikeng Airport12-Mar 2019 20:10
FAOH-33.600845542771246, 22.1891366410400441,0,3Oudshoorn Airport20-Feb 2021 08:14
FAOR-26.13703519670523, 28.2500627430499662,3,4O. R. Tambo12-Mar 2019 20:09
FAPN-25.33553609244764, 27.169825262540371,4,4Pilanesberg12-Mar 2019 20:10
FAPP-23.85807576345021, 29.4527596786461282X,7,0Polokwane11-Feb 2021 13:44
FARS-33.81201211753589, 19.910436823773052X,8,3Robertson Airfield20-Feb 2021 07:52
FASX-34.04853470534895, 20.4738503744511252X,7,1Swellendham Airfield20-Feb 2021 08:04
FAUH-33.78347608042698, 25.3792289551100652X,0,0Uitenhage Aerodrome21-Feb 2021 08:11
FAVW-31.39982698841733, 23.1506466080504831,0,0Victoria West airstrip20-Feb 2021 08:29
FAWK-25.825165654792475, 28.225393824230652X,16,2AFB Waterkloof17-Aug 2019 07:22
FAWL-31.38528692870914, 20.9308828363670761,0,0Williston airfield20-Feb 2021 08:25
FAYP-33.90407805877277, 18.4945799606205131,8,3Ysterplaat12-Mar 2019 20:10
RJTA35.45453765719594, 139.451427586747311,16,4Atsugi airbase11-Feb 2021 11:41
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