DLC for FS2 - Boston
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Hide details for usus1142
00S44.18184323082406, -122.087840051285711,1,0Mc Kenzie Bridge State10-Jul 2022 22:09
00U45.74367266104409, -107.656443047854621,6,0Big Horn County 26-Nov 2020 20:15
00W46.67160930519388, -117.44134318053151,1,0Lower Granite State11-Jul 2022 03:12
01838.363561638570765, -84.284859095151321,6,2Cynthiana12-Mar 2019 20:10
02T45.771625863928335, -112.97751036831861,1,0Wise River10-Jul 2022 04:42
02WN48.74622464224793, -119.317784020361291,4,1Fowler Field22-Oct 2020 19:50
03S45.401891496704366, -122.228897869115871,1,0Sandy River11-Jul 2022 00:05
05S45.85121586658461, -123.241542651928461,1,0Vernonia Municipal Airport10-Jul 2022 20:58
06FA26.906167991461707, -80.327175073398621,7,0Pratt & Whitney12-Mar 2019 20:10
07FA25.323157584807816, -80.272889286744481,14,16Ocean Reef12-Mar 2019 20:09
08M32.75598571620903, -89.527083328627951,348,5Carthage12-Mar 2019 20:09
09S48.842000687339784, -117.283358164655061,2,0Sullivan Lake State11-Jul 2022 02:31
0L735.772161347081344, -115.32970551820752,10,8Jean Airport03-Dec 2022 16:47
0MS032.48248421763227, -88.618224750126211,291,5Topton (pvt)12-Mar 2019 20:10
0O941.84564842498028, -123.982245647693841,3,3Ward Field12-Mar 2019 20:10
0R031.299429677711416, -89.813761187641151,0,1Columbia12-Mar 2019 20:10
0R431.569293792104087, -91.510609758507541,8,0Concordia12-Mar 2019 20:10
0S046.9736956717783, -118.590257616233091,4,0Lind29-Nov 2020 02:21
0S147.849950925881735, -113.418149528514011,1,0Meadow Creek USFS10-Jul 2022 04:36
0S546.23937106574314, -116.239197286699321,3,0Nez Perce06-Dec 2020 17:51
0S748.95955381373174, -119.413108491414621,16,6Dorothy Scott 22-Oct 2020 20:57
0S948.055992077411055, -122.807944248915651,29,0Jefferson County International 29-Nov 2020 15:12
0U044.64465769150665, -115.534721810281471,1,0Landmark09-Jul 2022 20:31
0U144.1432795650967, -115.31212993990161,1,0Lowman09-Jul 2022 20:33
0U344.74634414383544, -114.919238263342241,1,0Mahoney Creek09-Jul 2022 20:34
0U743.323015634937356, -113.589024377104451,1,0Carey09-Jul 2022 19:59
0U844.611110757392495, -113.902727849520451,1,0May09-Jul 2022 20:35
0U944.461854237324886, -116.758788306679721,11,1Lee Williams Memorial 08-Jul 2022 22:05
11S48.26618646324892, -124.311095342702911,4,0Sekiu 01-Dec 2020 17:57
12G40.876268076378736, -82.697258625473471,0,0Shelby12-Mar 2019 20:10
12S44.831483714992196, -119.429183780804011,1,0Monument 22-Nov 2020 17:21
12V38.44165552648674, -82.20208996522951,2,5Ona Airpark07-Jul 2019 19:22
13W48.258253766830954, -122.437680502148621,2,0Camano Island 01-Dec 2020 19:07
14G41.33395194613985, -83.16432484582221,8,0Fremont12-Mar 2019 20:10
14MS32.34722925300802, -89.037801553608232,51,6Rose Field12-Mar 2019 20:10
14S46.89697183169301, -124.102990207157971,3,0Westport 12-Dec 2020 17:55
16G41.09656787602656, -83.208483950962771,0,0Seneca County12-Mar 2019 20:10
16S42.99896675228447, -123.314441933145531,4,0Myrtle Creek 22-Nov 2020 17:24
16W46.58343970272401, -118.005946406497661,1,0Little Goose Lock and Dam11-Jul 2022 02:36
17FL29.28114390621288, -82.11668781922972,0,1Jumboair06-May 2019 13:39
17S45.32348357224665, -123.052130404543961,7,4Chehalem12-Mar 2019 20:09
19M33.12517598204815, -90.027669422399131,6,21Lexington12-Mar 2019 20:09
1B942.00501445209331, -71.200672491716721,15,7Mansfield Municipal Airport12-Mar 2019 20:09
1DA45.53321652077091, -116.531902272888351,1,0Lucile09-Jul 2022 20:36
1G041.3861211095278, -83.635339008814472X,0,0Wood County12-Mar 2019 20:10
1G141.332037624621975, -82.104769645790951,22,1Elyria12-Mar 2019 20:10
1G341.15636188862749, -81.417785545147641,0,0Kent State12-Mar 2019 20:10
1G541.13260190928823, -81.762117427790322X,0,0Medina12-Mar 2019 20:10
1MS232.45453360572041, -90.362301827836861,269,4Carsley12-Mar 2019 20:10
1MS832.94466518874227, -88.576185885494911,18,2Shuqualak12-Mar 2019 20:09
1O238.989155901950994, -122.895412181584221,66,12Lampson Field12-Mar 2019 20:10
1R830.87253911744883, -87.822954983875771,4,3Bay Minette12-Mar 2019 20:10
1S148.99581400025108, -116.504814668225491,1,0Porthill09-Jul 2022 20:36
1S248.25793967669013, -121.612722124112621,5,0Darrington28-Nov 2020 20:13
1S346.26967101914834, -106.624443955945311,3,0Tillitt Field 26-Nov 2020 07:10
1S546.32553639638059, -119.967915805078181,6,0Sunnyside 12-Dec 2020 18:15
1S648.19091765610674, -116.910654197919431,6,0Priest River 06-Dec 2020 18:18
1S745.67340673075401, -116.30907003974711,1,0Slate Creek09-Jul 2022 20:38
1S845.720458091605686, -120.174224013729161,1,0Arlington Municipal Airport10-Jul 2022 20:47
1S948.315367251041536, -117.742110605793581,8,0Sand Canyon27-Nov 2020 23:07
1U042.976158689267955, -113.350530331887331,1,0Minidoka09-Jul 2022 20:00
1U146.1262561839899, -114.920233808404662X,1,0Moose Creek USFS09-Jul 2022 20:39
1U243.849670364447235, -112.501574613533361,5,0West Jefferson County 23-Jul 2024 16:53
1U343.21699896961682, -116.549065256747141,2,0Murphy 30-May 2022 06:35
1U444.978305233327134, -116.283185753550851,1,0New Meadows09-Jul 2022 20:01
1U642.23265408153887, -113.878726510765261,3,0Oakley09-Jul 2022 20:02
1U742.2513985382771, -111.333960536212662,7,0Bear Lake County 06-Dec 2020 18:00
1U943.46687247707867, -115.309399579255011,1,0Pine09-Jul 2022 20:42
1W145.62556254422178, -122.399747315776151,16,0Grove27-Nov 2020 22:20
21FA28.299737531121032, -80.72270675933551,23,1Rockledge22-Jun 2019 11:51
21W47.01790867345813, -121.535780117829741,2,0Ranger Creek28-Nov 2020 22:13
22S42.71387075098491, -120.560983169673021,2,0Paisley 22-Nov 2020 18:05
23S47.17802383397015, -113.444600780749651,2,0Seeley Lake10-Jul 2022 02:31
24K44.973473264061575, -115.730369393836331,1,0Krassel USFS09-Jul 2022 20:50
24S42.108599679776546, -122.385250128796491,4,0Pinehurst 22-Nov 2020 18:20
25U45.430389753109914, -116.694206846850071,1,0Memaloose USFS11-Jul 2022 00:34
26ID48.36422365270219, -116.402208041867941,1,1Seven Shamrock12-Mar 2019 20:10
26R29.00191915168873, -96.58360940993521,0,0Edna12-Mar 2019 20:10
26U42.00308748181928, -117.726127457340231,3,0Mc Dermitt 22-Nov 2020 17:19
27K38.23561590814572, -84.429363715405711,9,2Georgetown-Scott County12-Mar 2019 20:10
27W47.8183533637837, -120.714224055749241,2,0Lake Wenatchee State11-Jul 2022 02:40
28U43.425841523410824, -117.346131496117851,1,0Owyhee Reservoir State11-Jul 2022 00:39
29S45.0474086426294, -110.74317087387511,5,0Gardiner26-Nov 2020 07:22
2B242.79631479192554, -70.841154904275241,2,0Plum Island12-Dec 2019 15:48
2G439.58218461309371, -79.338536027704041,5,2Garrett12-Mar 2019 20:10
2G940.04039415357477, -79.014959299028131,0,0Somerset12-Mar 2019 20:10
2O3B38.60885538573143, -122.39073516343161,1,1Pope Valley Airport (05CL)12-Mar 2019 20:10
2R239.745696518382, -86.470679628429991,0,2Graham12-Mar 2019 20:10
2R530.501344680798755, -88.27257249628691,65,0St. Elmo12-Mar 2019 20:10
2S048.35043337386382, -120.094584971666341,0,0Twisp12-Mar 2019 20:09
2S147.460104636411494, -122.477435278886491,1,0Vashon Municipal11-Jul 2022 03:21
2S243.132980530215534, -121.805268471328391,0,0Beaver Marsh11-Jul 2022 00:02
2S446.968344776659926, -119.065115350657831,4,0Warden Airport12-Dec 2020 08:55
2S547.65552614237502, -120.055823322876341,10,0Waterville 12-Dec 2020 09:02
2S645.294617109314665, -122.952797558144651,9,5Sportsman12-Mar 2019 20:09
2S742.58069621450727, -121.87827075097511,8,0Chiloquin21-Nov 2020 04:58
2S847.75291810862815, -118.746752350433041,10,0Wilbur 12-Dec 2020 18:02
2S946.698796319801005, -123.822938459043311,3,0Willapa Harbor01-Dec 2020 18:32
2U043.49730000360914, -115.553661389341071,1,0Smith Prairie09-Jul 2022 20:44
2U443.191772923868946, -112.532593521013151,5,0Rockford 08-Jul 2022 22:23
2U545.991124733743845, -114.84099833333491,1,0Shearer USFS 09-Jul 2022 20:45
2U744.211891190606515, -114.93314800057381,2,0Stanley 13-Dec 2020 15:35
2U844.72367410720738, -115.004485297328171,1,0Thomas Creek09-Jul 2022 20:47
2W147.17759105343225, -120.852679163217541,0,0De Vere12-Mar 2019 20:09
2W346.87028365126949, -122.256789270338231,4,0Swanson28-Nov 2020 20:35
30M34.657217973666434, -90.375508006873241,53,0Sharpe12-Mar 2019 20:09
32S46.52786733862312, -114.055100706504281,32,0Stevensville 27-Nov 2020 07:54
33S47.12382584779118, -118.387715917814031,5,0Pru Field 29-Nov 2020 16:13
34FD28.85462980701977, -80.910657153252141,1,0Blue Ridge08-Jun 2019 15:36
35S45.58984040459742, -120.669952229266811,2,0Wasco 22-Nov 2020 20:15
36WI44.03694685868136, -91.298171278881451,40,7Holland12-Mar 2019 20:10
37S48.00700561630067, -106.479600344484172X,1,0Fort Peck10-Jul 2022 02:41
38S46.39095554311806, -112.766667954267921,10,0Deer Lodge-City-County 26-Nov 2020 05:22
38W48.95550407225428, -122.456088297200271,18,4Lynden29-Nov 2020 02:32
39P46.55072500529059, -122.267353679368851,6,0Strom Field 29-Nov 2020 02:56
3A236.409553841676306, -83.561785914453821,0,3New Tazewell12-Mar 2019 20:10
3A732.821754908144776, -87.862978237096171,1,1Eutaw12-Mar 2019 20:10
3B847.06901418315316, -122.371738158202621,1,0Shady Acres 01-Dec 2020 18:34
3G440.902589258437914, -82.256103817485951,7,1Ashland12-Mar 2019 20:10
3G539.443925472123, -79.677565206266651,0,0Dawson Army12-Mar 2019 20:10
3I238.916259875598755, -82.099483474708561,5,6Mason County07-Jul 2019 22:59
3I438.25722390910657, -80.649112756778951,2,2Richwood Municipal12-Mar 2019 20:10
3MS332.51171355220586, -90.34803548871771,7,4Root Hog12-Mar 2019 20:10
3MS632.581618741053944, -90.270383493548311,7,0E E Lane airport12-Mar 2019 20:10
3MS932.579030914103924, -89.13808169997312,207,16Union12-Mar 2019 20:09
3O137.260803668621314, -120.966959271428011,4,4Gustine17-May 2020 16:24