—-WIPtxt—- The above description has been prepared by IPACS forum user ApfelFlieger. Although this website is moderated as far as is possible, the text above does not represent the views of the administrator of FSCloudPort. If you have any concerns about the above content please email admin@
Important This airport has runways which cross. The current version of FSCloudPort does not support crossing runways. Runways with a strikethrough below are excluded from the model but are still functional in the navigation screen. How to change which runways are excluded.After download/unzip your EKVB folder will contain a file EKVB.tsc. Edit this in notepad and the section about runways is clearly documented. You'll see which runways cross which and the lines starting // are used to exclude runways from display. Change the lines starting // to exclude different runways as you prefer. 11 / 29511m x 33mModel size:520m40m 35 / 17676m x 33mModel size:680m40m
IPACS Forum ID | ApfelFlieger
| Contributors |
| Created on | 24/05/2019 07:48:14 BST (GMT+1)
| Updates more | 16-Jun-2019 11:15:25 By ApfelFlieger 16-Jun-2019 07:14:49 By ApfelFlieger +1 runway +9 buildings +1 static aircraft |
Download Section
FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. CONTACT [email protected] FOR COMMERCIAL USE Download instructions for a fully modelled airport follow Click for basic TSC
- Create folder My PC > Documents > Aerofly FS2 > scenery > places > DK
- Download file to your DK folder and unzip to folder EKVB/
- Download to My PC > Documents > Aerofly FS2 > scenery > xref and unzip to folder xref_lib_water_towers/ (only do this once and it applies for all FSCP airports
- Go Fly!
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